
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chicken Pox, Poor Hafiy

Now is my son turn to suffer with this chicken pox, may be it was infected from his cousins, they did play together. But it has been about two weeks.
Wonder if it is because the viral dormant period?

Chicken Pox is caused by Varicella, a familly member of the herpes group virus. It usually start with a high fever for two days and followed by blister red spot all over the body.

Picture of my son hafiy, red spot everywhere.

It already burst, very painfull

The management ; For me, just maintain the fever with PCM, some anti-histamine for the itchiness & apply some calamine cream for soothing.
Some people said we should also add some acyclovir to prevent next infection.

Any comment?

1 comment:

  1. oh..cian hafiy...dlu masa kecik2 kena chicken pox,mak bagi minum air kelapa...elok ke eh? x igt la tp mokcik2 pun suh minum air kelapa


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